The painting is titled ‘A windy day’. The medium used is water color on paper. The size of the painting is 29.5cm X 40cm. It’s an abstract painting with smooth flowing lines. The dark and contrasting hues bring out the woman whose shape is shown in white.
This painting is titled ‘The Prey’. This is a water color and acrylic painting done on paper. The size of the painting is 11” X 15”. It depicts a desert scene on a windy day when an eagle is about to swoop down on its prey- the worm.
Make Peace.................Not War........................
The painting is titled ‘Buddha in meditation’. It’s a painting done on paper with water color as the medium. The size of the painting is 27cm X 36.5cm. The serene expression on Buddha’s face shows that he has finally discovered the secret of eternal peace. The use of vibrant colors expresses the positive rays emerging from Him.
This painting is titled ‘Eternity’. The medium used is water color on hand made paper. The size of the painting is 19.7” X 11.3”. It shows the eternal power of God in the whole universe.
God sketched the world in one of his creative moods. He liked what He did and then splashed His creations with huge dollops of colors. This is what He gifted to his friends to keep the blues away from their lives. And ever since, man has used the millions of hues made available to him to make the world a more attractive place to live in. Colors , to me, represent happiness, creativity, simplicity and most of all LIFE.
So, lets paint the world and let the world paint...........................
Art is something which God created so that we could be transported into a completly new world, perhaps only momentarily, and enjoy heaven on earth!
I love to experiment with different painting styles as you'll see when you take a tour of my blog.
Thanks for visiting! :)